Historical Photos Collection37,238 Items
High Mountains Collection59 Items
Yoga and Relaxation Collection83 Items
Wonderful Europe! - Seas & Coasts Collection188 Items
Famous old trees, The Wych Elms in Polloc, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Wych elm at Bagot's Mill, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous Old Trees, The Tutbury Wych Elm, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Tall Oak at Fredville, Fredville Park, has been known since the late 18th century for its magnificent trees, especially its oaks and chestnut trees, England, Historic
Famous old trees, The Swilcar Lawn Oak, This ancient oak tree, one of many that once stood in Needwood Forest, stood near Swilcar Lawn Farm near Marchington
Famous old trees, The Scots Pine in Dunmore, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Shelton Oak, also known as Owen Glendwr's Observatory or Glendower Oak, was a very old oak tree near Shrewsbury, England
Famous trees, ancient lime tree, The Moor Park Lime Tree, south-east of Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire, England, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured
Famous old trees, Panshanger Oak is England's largest single-stemmed oak. The tree is estimated to be around 500 years old and may have been planted by Queen Elizabeth I
Famous old trees, The Oaks of Burley, called the 12 Apostles (1826), parish in the New Forest, Hampshire, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured
Famous Old Trees, Old Oak in Moccas Park and Gillian's Wood National Nature Reserve, 1826, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured
Famous old trees, The Horse Chestnut in Burleigh, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Green Dale Oak, the Greendale Oak, was named after the valley in which it grows near Welbeck Abbey, the seat of the Dukes of Portland, England, Historic
Famous Old Trees, The Great Ash Tree at Carnock, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Fredville Oak, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Elms of Mongewell, Oxfordshire, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Chipstead Elm, North East Surrey, England, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous Old Trees, The Abbot's Willow, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured, Record date not stated
Famous old trees, The Sidney Oak in Penshurst Park was supposedly planted on the occasion of Sir Philip Sidney's baptism in 1554, but is actually 1, 000 years old, England, Historic
Famous old trees, The Beggar's Oak was a large tree that stood on the Bagot Estate near Abbots Bromley and was a meeting place for walkers
Famous old trees, Oaks of Avalon is the collective name for two ancient oaks, Gog and Magog, which stand in Glastonbury in Somerset in south-west England, here in 1826, England, Historic
Famous old trees, cover picture of the book Sylva Britannica, Forest Trees, from 1826, England, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, coloured
Column with console for statue, colonnade, Palmyra, Syria, May 1987, vintage, retro, old, historical, Asia
Detail, lion's head for draining rainwater, triumphal arch, Hadrian's Gate, Palmyra, Syria, May 1987, vintage, retro, old, historical, Asia
Triumphal Arch, Hadrian's Gate, Palmyra, Syria, May 1987, vintage, retro, old, historical, Asia
Colonnade towards Hadrian's Gate, Hadrian's Gate, Palmyra, Syria, May 1987, vintage, retro, old, historical, Asia
Entrance to the theatre, Palmyra, Syria, May 1987, vintage, retro, old, historical, Asia
Rheinfall oder Rheinfalls Wasserfall, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Kanton Schaffhausen, Schweiz, Europa, 1960
Markuskirche und Tasmajdan-Park, Belgrad, Serbien, Jugoslawien 1959
Zerstoerer-Kriegsschiff der russischen Marine im Hafen, Stockholm, Schweden 1958
Market place crowd with people, Venice, Italy, 1959, Europe
Menschen und Tauben auf dem Markusplatz, Piazza San Marco, Venedig, Italien 1959
Svinesundbruecke mit einem kolossalen Betonbogen, der den Iddefjord zwischen Norwegen und Schweden ueberspannt, Stroemstad, Schweden 1958
Moderne Architektur des Bahnhofsgebaeudes vom Canale Grande aus gesehen, Venedig, Italien 1959
Stads Hotel, Stads Hotell, Sandbaecksgatan bridge, Klaraelven river, Karstad, Sweden 1958 noiw the Elite Stadshotellet Karlstad
Spaziergaenger auf der Promenade an der Riva degli Schiavoni, Venedig, Italien 1959
Historische Gebaeude am Canal Grande, Canal Grande, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Ponte Rialto-Bruecke, Gondelboote auf dem Canal Grande, Grosser Kanal, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Holmenkollbakken-Sprungschanze, Holmenkollen, Oslo, Norwegen, 1958, gebaut fuer die Olympischen Spiele 1952
Dogenpalast, Piazzetta San Marco, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Basilika, Dom, Markusplatz, Piazza San Marco, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Erhoehter Schraegblick nach Westen ueber die Daecher der histrischen Gebaeude, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Bronzereiterstandbild von Koenig Karl Johan, Koeniglicher Palast, Oslo, Norwegen, 1958
Torre dell'Orologio, Renaissance-Turm von 1499, Markusplatz, Piazza San Marco, Venedig, Italien, 1959
Hinterwasserstrasse und Kanal, Venedig, Italien, 1959
ATV-Fernsehen ITV Aussenuebertragung, Tennisturnier in Wimbledon, England, Vereinigtes Koenigreich 1967 Overhead-Aufnahme der Interviewkabine mit Dickie Davies und Kamerateam
ATV Fernsehen ITV Aussenuebertragung, Tennisturnier in Wimbledon, England, UK 1967 Interview Gehaeuse Kamerateam. Foto von Alan 'Taffy' Harries
Ausstellung der British Motor Corporation auf der Ausstellung der Royal Agricultural Society of England, The Royal Show, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, UK 1967
Bunny Girls, Variety Club of Great Britain, Sandown Park racecourse, Esher, Surrey, England, UKSeptember 1966
ATV-Aussenuebertragungswagen, Ausstellung der Royal Agricultural Society of England, The Royal Show, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, UK 1967
ATV Fernsehen ITV Aussenuebertragung, Tennisturnier in Wimbledon, England, Vereinigtes Koenigreich 1967 Portraet der Tennisspielerin Angela Mortimer Foto von Alan 'Taffy' Harries
Pferderennen auf der Sandown Park Rennbahn, Esher, Surrey, England, Vereinigtes Koenigreich September 1966
ATV Network Limited TV company hospitality enclosure, Royal Agricultural Society of England show, The Royal Show, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, UK 1967
ATV-Fernsehkamera ITV Aussenuebertragung Motorsportveranstaltung, Goodwood-Rennstrecke Grossbritannien 1963 Foto von Alan 'Taffy' Harries
Sunbeam Rapier Mk 3, geparkt vor dem Wohnwagen einer Familie auf einem Campingplatz, England, UK, 1961
Pferderennen auf der Sandown Park Rennbahn, Esher, Surrey, England, Vereinigtes Koenigreich September 1966 ATV-Fernsehuebertragungswagen
Familie im Liegestuhl im Sommerurlaub, vermutlich in Corton, Suffolk, England, UK 1966
Mann und Frau essen Eis im Sommerurlaub mit der Familie am Meer, England, UK, 1961
Seine Koenigliche Hoheit Prinz Philip, Herzog von Edinburgh, empfaengt eine Polotrophaee, August 1966, vermutlich auf Smith's Lawn, Windsor Great Park
Junge Frau mit Schaerpe der Schoenheitskoenigin Miss Corton, im Sommerferienlager, Corton, Suffolk, England, UK 1966
Mann beim Ten-Pin-Bowling, England, UK 1962
Familie schaut ueber eine Mauer am Strand, unbekannter Ort, Grossbritannien 1964
Dreibein-Rennen fuer Erwachsene, Funsport-Aktivitaet im Sommerferienlager, Corton, Suffolk, England, UK 1966
Familie blickt ueber eine Mauer gegen einen blauen bewoelkten Himmel, unbekannter Ort, Grossbritannien 1964
Ten-Pin-Bowling fuer Maenner, England, UK 1962
Menschen im Sommerurlaub, Hafen von Looe, Cornwall, England, UK um 1961
Familienpicknick im Auto sitzend mit Wohnwagenplatz und Stromleitung und Strommast im Hintergrund, UK1964
Tanzende Frau, Familie und Freunde, Weihnachts- oder Neujahrsfest, 1965-1966
Big Ben und Westminster Bridge mit roten Doppeldeckerbussen und Boot auf der Themse, London, England, Grossbritannien, Anfang der 1960er Jahre
Weihnachts- oder Neujahrsfest im Kreise der Familie und Freunde, 1965-1966
Antenne Eine Parabolantenne, bekannt als "Arthur", gebaut 1962, Funkstation der Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station, Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, England, UK 1964
Jungen, die um die Wette rennen, Kinder, die sich in einem Sommerferienlager sportlich betaetigen, Corton, Suffolk, England, UK 1966
Autos beim Aussteigen aus der 1961 gebauten Faehre 'MV Camber Queen' in Portsmouth, Fishbourne, Isle of Wight, England, UK, 1962